Riverside Chattanooga Fall meet 2020
If you live in the southeast and Riverside Chattanooga isn't on your radar, I'm about to show you 62 examples of why this show is arguably the best of the year. What I can't show you however, is how amazing the staff and people of Riverside are and how the vibes at this show are unmatched.
Even with the cancellation of the spring meet the day before the event due to city restrictions, Riverside was able to host a second meet this year. Which I know was not an easy feat especially with free spectator admission. The quality of cars and people are just different here. Its not just a stance show or a exotic show, you get a taste of everything when you come to an event like Riverside.
If you are new to the scene or even if you've been in it for 10 years, this event is something everyone needs to experience. From us here at Forged Fitment, we thank everyone who stopped by the booth and hung out. We couldn't be more thankful for the folks at Riverside enough for hosting such a special event.
We hope to see you at the Riverside Spring Meet on Saturday March 20, 2021
Link to Full res Files: https://www.flickr.com/photos/147305312@N07/albums/72157716283211601
Words and pics: Taylor Galster